One Or Ten: Either Way It’s All Good

When you’re reading Tarot for other people, you never know when a single card or a most innocent comment will make a huge difference in another person’s life.

My Monday morning Facebook page was graced by a mention of gratitude by someone for whom I had recently done a casual one-card reading. It was an example of just the right message, just the right words that found a home in this person’s heart.

One card, a simple message, a resonant chord, and this woman has already taken off, making big changes in her life.

On the other end of the spectrum we have the 10-card Celtic Cross spread. If the beauty of a single-card draw is its simplicity, the terrible beauty of the Celtic layout is its unending pattern of interwoven connections. You could literally spend all day on a single Celtic spread and still not fathom all the information contained therein.

Much of this past weekend was spent working on a 6-part video course for Udemy demonstrating the ins and outs of this complicated layout. The Celtic Cross isn’t an all-occasion kind of spread, but one to be used when the time and the energy to unravel its mysteries are at one’s disposal. This layout represents traditional Tarot at its finest and as such is venerated, held as a standard by which “real” Tarot readers are judged.

But the bottom line is this: by whichever method you seek out your guidance from the Tarot, it’s all good. Resonance doesn’t lie; when you hear the truth you know it; when you are ready to be touched by a word you will hear it.

When the student is ready the teacher will appear. And, Tarot works.

It’s that simple.

Is it time for YOUR reading? Visit the TarotWorks site to view your options for bringing clarity, insight, and confidence into your life.

A Useful Truth

That phrase has been floating around in my head for about a week now, “a useful truth.”

It started one day as I was preparing to do a reading. In addition to getting the cards in order, clearing the table, and making sure that I’m sufficiently calm prior to the reading hour, I ask for help and guidance from whomever/whatever might be involved in the Tarot reading process. It doesn’t matter to me who/what they/it are/is, I know they/it are/is there.

No wonder I need help, with a sentence like that.

Anyhoo, as I was making my little plea for assistance, I heard myself ask, among other things, that we bring forth “useful truths.” As soon as I heard it out loud, I recognized this as a particularly important element of a “good” Tarot reading.

Lots of things are true: the sky is blue, the type of car you drive, how much money you made last year, blah blah blah. A reading can be filled with lots of truths — a let’s hope it does — but sometimes it all sounds like a lot of blah blah blah. Where is the truth that makes us see things differently? Where is the truth that wakes us up? Where is the resonant truth? Where is the useful truth?

I’ll take back what I said about this being an important element of a good reading; conveying a useful truth is what makes a reading great. If a truth has become useful it means the client “gets it.” This means that a new thought has made an impact on someone’s psyche. Awareness shifts. Lives change.

And like the hokey-pokie, that’s what it’s all about.

Visit the TarotWorks website to learn how to use the Tarot to help you find the useful truths in your life. There’s tons of good information there, check it out!

Ace of Swords image from Tarot of the Sephiroth (c) US Games Systems Inc.

Tales From The Table

Introducing: A new series of stories appearing in this blog, “Tales From The Table.”

Some really fascinating things happen at the Tarot table, things too juicy and dynamic and remarkable to let pass between two people only. So from now on, when such an occurance happens during a reading you’ll be hearing about it.

Here’s the experience that prompted this whole notion of “Tales From The Table;”  it’s one that will stick in my mind for a long time to come:

A client finds herself in an unfamiliar place in her life, a place where the hard work of self-awareness has been tended, leaving her with the knowing that the familiar routines must pass in order to make way for a new version of her life.

We see her groundedness and capability very clearly in the first part of the reading, and yet to really think of making changes brings up fear, hesitation, and self-doubt. “There’s that knot in my stomach again,” she admits. 

The question to the cards becomes, “What can help me remember that I’m capable of making these changes in my life?”  A straightforward question with a clear goal. She draws the 10 of Cups.

There are many ways this card could be read, most of them with a very positive vibe. In that specific moment my eyes were drawn to the two children depicted on the card.

When you get a “hit” that speaks directly to you, you can’t help but smile. 

“You raised two happy, healthy children, didn’t you? They gave you a run for your money, didn’t they? They’re solid citizens and successful adults now, aren’t they? If you can do THAT, you can do this.”

We laugh, we cry, and we know the reading has supported and encouraged this person in her desire for a more meaningful life.

Tarot card image from the Rider-Waite Tarot (c) US Games Systems Inc.

Visit to learn more about how the Tarot can help you have a more meaningful life.

Starting Wednesday on CLIC Tarot: Card of the Week

Starting this Wednesday, August 15th, there will be a NEW and regular feature on the CLIC Tarot radio show:

The All-knowing, All-wonderful, All-informative  CARD OF THE WEEK.

I’ll draw this card at random at the beginning of the show. We never know what we’re going to get until we get it!

I’ll provide some possible meanings and interpretations for the card, and we’ll observe how the message of the card shows up for us during the next 7 days.

OF COURSE  there are many ways by which the archetype of any single Tarot image speaks to us!
OF COURSE  you will have your own thoughts about what the card means in your life!
OF COURSE  the sharing of your feedback and personal experiences is encouraged!

PEOPLE:: CLIC Tarot radio is an opportunity to get a FREE reading. What are you waiting for?

LISTEN IN: click on at 3pm EST each and every Wednesday
CALL IN: via Skpe to w4wnradio or by telephone to 561-422-4365

OF COURSE  the show is archived a few days later on the TarotWorks site  but that doesn’t get you a free reading … just sayin’.

CLIC Tarot Program Note for 8-8-12

This week’s guest on the CLIC Tarot radio show will be Toni Gilbert, holistic nurse, transpersonal psychology counselor, and author of “Gaining Archetypal Vision.”


Toni has tons of experience working with wellness counseling, guided imagery, art, psychology,  body/mind consciousness, Tarot, archetypes, healing, and personal potential.

WOW! Who knows where this conversation will lead!

Tune in this coming Wednesday for what promises to be a fascinating show.

Click on to listen in!

To Call into the show with questions, comments, or for on-air readings:

Skype in to w4wnradio or
telephone 561-422-4365

Program Note: Sacred Geometry To Be Featured on CLIC Tarot

Our guest this week on CLIC Tarot radio will be Katenia Keller, artist and author of Pythias Sacred Geometry Tarot.

Katenia began to paint her own interpretations of the 22 Major Arcana cards in 2008, using sacred geometry to create the symbolism.

She published the Major Arcana in 2009, and has recently completed 56 paintings representing the Minor Arcana which she will publish later this year.

Tune in this coming Wednesday August 1st at 3pm EST to hear about Katenia’s fascinating journey toward the creation of her unique Tarot deck!

To Listen to the Show:
go to and you’re there!

To Call Into the Show
questions. comments, or on-air readings:
Skype: w4wnradio or telephone 561-422-4365     

Program Note: Clic Tarot this Wednesday

 Yes, Clic Tarot is this Wednesday at 3pm EST.

Yes, click here for Clic Tarot this Wednesday at 3pm EST.

Yes, be in the Tarot clique and listen to Clic Tarot this Wednesday at 3pm EST.

All the above statements are true, but the bottom line is that Clic Tarot stands for Clarity, Insight, and Confidence, which is what a good Tarot can bring into your life.

If that weren’t enough, my guest this week will be Rick Bouchard, a licensed clinical social worker who integrates the Tarot into his work with clients.  In private practice in Portland Maine and also is a Diploma Candidate in Stage Two of the Jungian Analyst Training Program at the C.G. Jung Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, Rick is currently working on his thesis The Use of Tarot in Jungian Analysis and is developing a technique by which to amplify dreams in session through use of the Tarot.

Whew! That’s a lot to talk about, but we want to hear from you about what matters most in YOUR life, so let us hear from you too!

To Call Into the Show
questions. comments, or requests for on-air readings:
Skype: w4wnradio  or
telephone  561-422-4365      

Five Things the Tarot Books Don’t Tell You

By the end of June I should have all the pieces of my master plan to take over the universe…. I mean my new marketing plan… in place:

*a complete set of video Tarot classes offering in-home Tarot classes hosted by moi,

*an ongoing monthly series of online webinars,

*a newly-designed and fab-if-I-do-say-so-myself website,

* a 5-piece class on Udemy called Learn Tarot 5-4-3-2-1.

Although the Udemy classes won’t be posted until next week, I thought I’d give you a sneak peek at these classes via the first video in the series entitled, Five Things the Tarot Books Don’t Tell You. Even if you already know something about Tarot, I bet you’ll find something here you can use.

So — click on the link and enjoy this 10-minute video, and happy summer to everyone!

Tuesday’s Tiny Tarot Class 6-5-12: What if There is No Answer?

It could be an effect of the recent eclipses; or maybe the fact that much of the eastern half of the US has been getting pelted by rain for the last 4 days and we’re all feeling a bit soggy mentally as well as physically; or maybe it’s simply a factor within the particular people who are coming to my Tarot table.

Whatever the origin, there seems to be a significant “What the heck is going on right now” vibe in the air. Interestingly, the folks I”m seeing don’t seem to be especially bothered by this experience, but they are aware that things are shifting and are feeling unsettled by it.

With this in mind, and because my mind is a little soggy right now as well, I’ll share a paraphrased excerpt from my “Tarot Spreads and Layouts” book to address this situation in hopes of bringing some perspective to all of us who might be wondering, “What the heck is going on right now?”

“Important: Sometimes there is no answer.
How can this be, that there is no answer? It could be that the timing or the query is off, or an issue is not yet resolved on any level, and hence no information regarding it can be imparted.

When we hit a dead zone in a reading, the phrase “It is not yet written” often comes to mind. (In other words, it’s still in the works, somewhere out there in the universe.)

Lastly, we must remember that some questions are best left unanswered.

This is a hard thing for modern, thinking people to comprehend: that not all things are ours to know. Not all questions have answers, and not all that is knowable is available to us in any given moment. Our rational mind does not like this, but it’s true.

The best we can do is to knock on the door, question in hand, and hope that someone, someday, will open that door and greet us with guidance and clarity.”

Tuesday’s Tiny Tarot Class 5-22-12

  On the heels of last night’s fabulous-if-I-don’t-say-so-myself webinar, “Using the Tarot as a Goal-Setting Tool,” I’d like to share some thoughts which became apparent during our session.

The first important point is that although a clear vision and focused intention is good practice for goal-setters, this in itself is not enough to get done the job of manifestation and accomplishment.

Not only do you need a clear eye on the prize, you need to realize that there will be parts of you, either conscious or “un,” that will not want to go along with your grand plan for change. Expect a minor internal revolution at the very least.

The good news is that you probably already have established, tucked away in your back pocket, some of the tools, skills, abilities, and experiences necessary to get you where you want to go. Think of it, you may already be half-way there!

Additionally, you may have tools, skills, and abilities that you never perceived as such; parts of yourself which have gone unrecognized altogether or which have been unseen as a thing of value. Sure, you’re aloof and emotionally distant (Queen of Swords) but you’re aces in a crisis. So what if you’re overly emotional (King of Cups),  you’re just what the doctor ordered when a shoulder to cry on is required. Yes Scrooge, it’s true that you’re stingy with money (4 of Pentacles), but you sure know how to squeeze all the juice out of a dollar.

Perception is everything.

When you consider using the Tarot as a goal-setting tool, no matter what method or layout you may use, it’s a good idea to draw one card from the deck intentionally : the one card which most closely represents the vision, the goal, and the long-term desired outcome.

This card is “P-1:” Purpose #1. This is the bulls-eye at which all the other cards in the reading will be aiming. Choose P-1 with as much clarity and personal will as you can muster, and then draw additional cards to augment the role and illuminate the path.

You’ll find a simple 5-card layout for goal-setting in my “Spreads & Layouts” book, or join us the next time this webinar comes around, where we use 12 cards to build a master plan for manifestation!

I have high hopes for the plans and ambitions that were seeded during last night’s class, launched less than 24 hours after a new moon and a powerful eclipse to boot!


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