Tales From The Table

Introducing: A new series of stories appearing in this blog, “Tales From The Table.”

Some really fascinating things happen at the Tarot table, things too juicy and dynamic and remarkable to let pass between two people only. So from now on, when such an occurance happens during a reading you’ll be hearing about it.

Here’s the experience that prompted this whole notion of “Tales From The Table;”  it’s one that will stick in my mind for a long time to come:

A client finds herself in an unfamiliar place in her life, a place where the hard work of self-awareness has been tended, leaving her with the knowing that the familiar routines must pass in order to make way for a new version of her life.

We see her groundedness and capability very clearly in the first part of the reading, and yet to really think of making changes brings up fear, hesitation, and self-doubt. “There’s that knot in my stomach again,” she admits. 

The question to the cards becomes, “What can help me remember that I’m capable of making these changes in my life?”  A straightforward question with a clear goal. She draws the 10 of Cups.

There are many ways this card could be read, most of them with a very positive vibe. In that specific moment my eyes were drawn to the two children depicted on the card.

When you get a “hit” that speaks directly to you, you can’t help but smile. 

“You raised two happy, healthy children, didn’t you? They gave you a run for your money, didn’t they? They’re solid citizens and successful adults now, aren’t they? If you can do THAT, you can do this.”

We laugh, we cry, and we know the reading has supported and encouraged this person in her desire for a more meaningful life.

Tarot card image from the Rider-Waite Tarot (c) US Games Systems Inc.

Visit http://www.tarotworks.com to learn more about how the Tarot can help you have a more meaningful life.

Tuesday’s Tiny Tarot Class 5-22-12

  On the heels of last night’s fabulous-if-I-don’t-say-so-myself webinar, “Using the Tarot as a Goal-Setting Tool,” I’d like to share some thoughts which became apparent during our session.

The first important point is that although a clear vision and focused intention is good practice for goal-setters, this in itself is not enough to get done the job of manifestation and accomplishment.

Not only do you need a clear eye on the prize, you need to realize that there will be parts of you, either conscious or “un,” that will not want to go along with your grand plan for change. Expect a minor internal revolution at the very least.

The good news is that you probably already have established, tucked away in your back pocket, some of the tools, skills, abilities, and experiences necessary to get you where you want to go. Think of it, you may already be half-way there!

Additionally, you may have tools, skills, and abilities that you never perceived as such; parts of yourself which have gone unrecognized altogether or which have been unseen as a thing of value. Sure, you’re aloof and emotionally distant (Queen of Swords) but you’re aces in a crisis. So what if you’re overly emotional (King of Cups),  you’re just what the doctor ordered when a shoulder to cry on is required. Yes Scrooge, it’s true that you’re stingy with money (4 of Pentacles), but you sure know how to squeeze all the juice out of a dollar.

Perception is everything.

When you consider using the Tarot as a goal-setting tool, no matter what method or layout you may use, it’s a good idea to draw one card from the deck intentionally : the one card which most closely represents the vision, the goal, and the long-term desired outcome.

This card is “P-1:” Purpose #1. This is the bulls-eye at which all the other cards in the reading will be aiming. Choose P-1 with as much clarity and personal will as you can muster, and then draw additional cards to augment the role and illuminate the path.

You’ll find a simple 5-card layout for goal-setting in my “Spreads & Layouts” book, or join us the next time this webinar comes around, where we use 12 cards to build a master plan for manifestation!

I have high hopes for the plans and ambitions that were seeded during last night’s class, launched less than 24 hours after a new moon and a powerful eclipse to boot!


Another Person’s Leap of Faith

This came across my desk this morning, in a newsletter from Deb Bergeron, who is a well-established life coach living and working in southern Maine. What you’ll read below is such a wonderful synopsis of what is needed – and what to do – in order to make a few dreams come true.  I’m reprinting a portion of her wisdom here, taking no credit for anything other than cutting and pasting text to send along to you:


… So please remember, no matter where you are in your transformative journey, I have been in your shoes. I have been in that place not quite somewhere and not quite everywhere, between quicksand and moonbeams, immobilization and rocket launch.

To celebrate this Anniversary, I am honored to share nine contributing factors and questions that helped propel me then, and continue to help me today, as like you, I am always growing and learning. Hopefully, they will inspire all of you to, “Look before you Leap”, but Leap none-the-less.

1) Choices! I told myself I didn’t have any. Does this sound familiar?  

 2) Courage! I was afraid to make changes. What lurks in your “unknown”?  

3) Cost! What was it going to cost me to stay where I was? What are your  Personal Expenses?  

4) Intuition! That little voice was screaming out and I had to pay attention. Do you have the sound turned down?  

5) Risk! Stepping out of the “comfort” zone reduced my safety factor. Are you afraid there’s no life boat should you make the plunge?  

6) Knowing my Strengths! I knew what I was good at and what my gifts were. Are you ready to recognize and celebrate yours?  

7) Fear! As doubt crept in I questioned my choices and intuition. What hurdles does fear set up in your path?  

8) Now! Through visualization, getting quiet, and journaling I grounded myself to pay attention to the moment. What tools do you use to leave the past behind?  

9) Willingness! I was ready to fax that letter of resignation. This Call to Action…this Doing was the accumulation of all of the above. Where’s your willingness level to make the Leap?  

Happy Spring to Action to All of You!

With love and gratitude, Deb

Here’s how to contact Deb and her business Ocean of Possibilites:
Deb Bergeron, CPCC, ACC – Personal Professional Life Coach

P.O. Box 15234, Portland, Maine 04112 –
Phone: 207-797-9007

Email: debcoaches@aol.com