A Libran Mantra

Last week was my 59th birthday.

Birthdays for me have always been a mixed bag of appreciation, wistfulness, and dread. This year was made worse by the fact of Saturn just finishing up its 2.5 year sit-in on my astrology chart, and Pluto and Uranus (those trouble-makers!) have been in there duking it out as well.

It’s been an intense period of questioning and self-reflection.

I’m pretty big on self-reflection and working things out on the inner level, but this last immersion has been much more than can be healthy for any sane human being. Here in early October, though,  things seem to be breaking and I do believe I see some slanting beams of sunshine emerging from the clouds off in the distance.

Sometime during this hiatus into Murkyville, words came to me that encapsulated my experience; not just the experience of the past few months, but of my whole life. I share them with you in hopes that something in there resonates for you and/or helps you at this time in your life.

I have to find the balance between being generous with you and being kind to myself.

Is that a Libran statement or what? I didn’t think it intentionally, it just appeared in my mind’s eye like a floating airplane banner coming into focus.

Work life, relationships, lovers, community, family, there is no area of my life to which this mantra does not apply. If I think about experiences in the past that have failed me, it’s because I didn’t do this balancing act at all well. And when things worked, it was because it all was somehow managed effectively.

This is my personal key to a happy life, I have no doubt about it.

It IS important for me to be generous with others, whether it’s regarding my time, energy, money, compassion, or the last beer in the fridge. But you know as well as I do that, especially for women, this generosity can bite us in the butt and leave us feeling drained and bitter.

Drained and bitter … UGH. Who really wants to live there? That’s worse than staking your tent in Murkyville.

So the dust is settling and I’ve now got words to guide my actions and choices through whatever lies ahead.  They are my new best friends. I invite you to use them in whatever way works for you.

I have to find the balance between being generous with you and being kind to myself.


Jeanne Fiorini offers Tarot readings and classes to help you find your place of balance. Visit the TarotWorks site to find your keys for a happy life.




Tuesday’s Tiny Tarot Class: The Empress

Since we’ve just celebrated Mother’s Day and because we’re in the astrological sign of Taurus which is ruled by her favorite planet Venus, let’s talk about The Empress.

Let’s say The Empress was about to do some online dating. She can’t help herself — ruled by the planet Venus, all matters of love (and beauty) are at the very top of her priority list. She would choose eHarmony for this project since The Empress is all about collaboration and facilitating harmonious relationships wherever she goes. Her online profile might look something like this:

Graceful, easy-going woman comfortable with herself and her environment seeks compatible partner for long-term relationship and the co-creation of numerous children.  An appreciation for beauty in all its varied forms is a must.

Enjoys gardening, painting, being pregnant, and sharing abundance with family and friends. Prefers the quiet comfort of home over a busy social scene any day.

Favorite color is green (and so is naturally attracted to all trees, especially evergreens), values all kinds of adornment, fine fabrics and jewelry, especially if these involve rose quartz or any-sized emerald. (Save the diamonds for those fancy high-maintenance ladies.) Favorite number is “3.”

Dislikes include conflict, being alone, cold bath water, chaos, plastic, squares, barren landscapes, and far-flung idealism.

A lover of nature and content in any season, enjoys long walks on the beach…hey wait a minute, I AM the beach…and the ocean…and the seashells … and the birds….

Graceful, easy-going woman comfortable with herself and her environment seeks compatible partner willing to bring their own equipment and join her on the beach. 

Empress image from the Rider Waite Tarot (c) US Games Systems Inc.

BIG NEWS: Jeanne’s Tarot Radio Show Coming in July

Woo- Hoo! 

Starting on Wednesday July 11th at 3pm EST, I’ll be hosting my own radio show on the Women 4 Women Network, live on internet radio.

The show is called “Clic Tarot,” Clic being an acronym for Clarity, Insight and Confidence. And despite the name of the network, the show welcomes listeners of all genders.

I’ll be doing live readings for call-in listeners, we’ll be learning about the Tarot and how this system of symbols tells its story, we’ll be talking about life and love and work and metaphysics and having an all-around good time on Wednesday afternoons!

Here’s what the radio ad will tell you about Clic Tarot:
Are there places in your life that could some clarity? Are you uncertain about the direction your life seems to be headed? Are your relationships truly meeting your emotional needs? Could you use some insight into an important matter in your life?

Tune in to Clic Tarot with Jeanne Fiorini every Wednesday afternoon at 3:00pm EST, when Jeanne and the Tarot will offer clarity, insight, and confidence about what matters most in YOUR life.

My lovely and talented friend Deirdre worked with my lovely and talented friend Larry to put together an inspired piece of harp music for the background music for the show, the perfect accompaniment for what I hope to accomplish with this project: a sense of clarity, insight, and confidence for individuals and a greater understanding and appreciation for the Tarot.

Mark your calendars for July 11th at 3pm EST, put a star on Wednesday afternoons, and tune in to the perfect way to bring fun and enlightenment into your week.

Woo- Hoo!

A Weekend Fit For The Empress

This past weekend was one befitting the Queen of the Tarot, The Empress.

It all starts with lots of trees.

Nine members of my family met for a gathering in the Adirondack region of upstate New York. The Adirondack Park proper encompasses about 6 million acres and is constitutionally protected to remain a “forever wild” forest preserve. The Empress is happy already.

My daughter arranged the gathering with her same-age cousin, primarily because they each had a child — and each had a daughter — born in the past year or so. (That Empress has been busy!) So we had two very little girls, two sets of parents, myself playing the role of Grammie, my brother hosting the event and Grandpa to his grand-daughter, and my mom (whom we call “Big G” for great-grandmother) rounding out the event. In case you missed it, that makes 4 generations of women, and we take advantage of every opportunity to preserve the occasion in photos. (See to the right)

OK, so you’ve got four matrilinear generations meeting in the forest of upstate NY. Since we’re from Maine we were asked to bring fish and seafood. My nephew and his family brought an upstate delicacy, “spiedies,” which have to be tasted to be believed. Big G gets bored in the winter months when she can’t be out working in her garden (which really is spectacular, see photo below) so has taken up learning how to be, essentially, a pastry chef. We ate very well.

And The Empress smiled.

All this would have been enough to satisfy any Empress: family, abundance, procreation, nature, and good wholesome food. But the icing on the cake was our visit to the nearby Alpaca farm, which I’m pretty sure I enjoyed more than did the kids.

Did you ever meet an Alpaca face-to-face? They have the most beautiful face, the most incredible eyes, and unbelievable eyelashes. No kidding, they’ve got to be 4″ long. At this time of year, these gorgeous animals are still in their winter coats, and will be until May or June. Even in March, though, you can put your finger straight down into their fur and go down about 2 knuckles-length before you hit flesh and bone.  Not to mention the fact that you’ll never feel anything softer than what they wear around in that barn.

So, in addition to all the Empress-blessings we planned to experience, the unexpected trip into the animal world brought us fully into the wonder and beauty of nature that is the hallmark and the joy of The Empress.

Clothes Swap Follow-Up

I’ll let the pictures do the talking as a follow-up post regarding “Christmas in February” aka The Annual South Portland Clothes Swap.

    (Left) Here we are at the
beginning of the event,
relative calm and decorum
is the tone so far.

(Below) This is my treasure of the day, a beauty which came early on:
a lime green fleece coat with black
faux lambs wool trim, a Maralyce Ferree original.   I love it!

Our host nabbed TWO pairs
of these fabulous shoes as additions to
her massive haul of fine quality items.

Above right:: Our host in a jacket which must have once been owned by either Hugh Hefner or Keith Richard, we’re not sure which one.  In any case, it certainly does work with her not-so demure nature.

(Right) And here’s the aftermath: the pile of
goods that will find a home in less-fortunate
hands. We are truly blessed to have such

In addition to the Six of Pentacles spirit of the day, I must add the Queen of Pentacles to the roster of attendees. We had silk blouses, leather handbags, cashmere sweaters, designer labels, sparkly jewelry, and beautiful fabrics all ’round. That particular Queen was in her glory today. Thanks to all for a wonderful celebration of friendship and abundance.

A Peaceful Woman

I’ll be visiting with my good friend Janice tonight. We met while attending psychosynthesis counselor training together in the early 90’s and have been friends ever since. (Nothin’ like a share value to seal a friendship.)

Janice is embarking on a new venture; I’d call it a business venture but from what I can see, this is the culmination of all she’s learned up to this point in her life. She’s calling the project “A Peaceful Woman,” a service utilizing a comprehensive set of modalities and natural treatments to alleviate anxiety and stress.  (Janice is a Certified Medical Meditation and Stress Management Consultant, so she knows what she’s doing here.)

Can anyone out there relate to anxiety and stress?

My favorite piece of the packaging for this new venture is the tag line on Janice’s emails which says Remember to Love Yourself Today. This phrase encapsulates the Ace of Cups theme which permeates all of what “A Peaceful Woman” is and aims to accomplish: Self-love, gratitude, inner peace,  appreciation for the life we’ve been given, connection to Source, a calm mind and a peaceful heart. Even the writing of those words brings my blood pressure down about 10 points.

When you think about the people in your life, are there those around you whom you’d think of as peaceful women? I know lots of busy women,  introspective women, serious women, creative women, smart women, and sure, a few crazy women; but off the top of my head I’m having trouble naming one who I’d honestly call peaceful.

I think Janice has hit on something here.

The website is currently under construction but you’ll soon be able to visit Janice at http://www.apeacefulwoman.com. I know I’ll enjoy my visit with her tonight, and I hope we don’t stay up until 4AM like last time, which made us decidedly un-peaceful the next day but sure was a good time.