Tuesday’s Tiny Tarot Class 6-5-12: What if There is No Answer?

It could be an effect of the recent eclipses; or maybe the fact that much of the eastern half of the US has been getting pelted by rain for the last 4 days and we’re all feeling a bit soggy mentally as well as physically; or maybe it’s simply a factor within the particular people who are coming to my Tarot table.

Whatever the origin, there seems to be a significant “What the heck is going on right now” vibe in the air. Interestingly, the folks I”m seeing don’t seem to be especially bothered by this experience, but they are aware that things are shifting and are feeling unsettled by it.

With this in mind, and because my mind is a little soggy right now as well, I’ll share a paraphrased excerpt from my “Tarot Spreads and Layouts” book to address this situation in hopes of bringing some perspective to all of us who might be wondering, “What the heck is going on right now?”

“Important: Sometimes there is no answer.
How can this be, that there is no answer? It could be that the timing or the query is off, or an issue is not yet resolved on any level, and hence no information regarding it can be imparted.

When we hit a dead zone in a reading, the phrase “It is not yet written” often comes to mind. (In other words, it’s still in the works, somewhere out there in the universe.)

Lastly, we must remember that some questions are best left unanswered.

This is a hard thing for modern, thinking people to comprehend: that not all things are ours to know. Not all questions have answers, and not all that is knowable is available to us in any given moment. Our rational mind does not like this, but it’s true.

The best we can do is to knock on the door, question in hand, and hope that someone, someday, will open that door and greet us with guidance and clarity.”

Tuesday’s Tiny Tarot Class 5-22-12

  On the heels of last night’s fabulous-if-I-don’t-say-so-myself webinar, “Using the Tarot as a Goal-Setting Tool,” I’d like to share some thoughts which became apparent during our session.

The first important point is that although a clear vision and focused intention is good practice for goal-setters, this in itself is not enough to get done the job of manifestation and accomplishment.

Not only do you need a clear eye on the prize, you need to realize that there will be parts of you, either conscious or “un,” that will not want to go along with your grand plan for change. Expect a minor internal revolution at the very least.

The good news is that you probably already have established, tucked away in your back pocket, some of the tools, skills, abilities, and experiences necessary to get you where you want to go. Think of it, you may already be half-way there!

Additionally, you may have tools, skills, and abilities that you never perceived as such; parts of yourself which have gone unrecognized altogether or which have been unseen as a thing of value. Sure, you’re aloof and emotionally distant (Queen of Swords) but you’re aces in a crisis. So what if you’re overly emotional (King of Cups),  you’re just what the doctor ordered when a shoulder to cry on is required. Yes Scrooge, it’s true that you’re stingy with money (4 of Pentacles), but you sure know how to squeeze all the juice out of a dollar.

Perception is everything.

When you consider using the Tarot as a goal-setting tool, no matter what method or layout you may use, it’s a good idea to draw one card from the deck intentionally : the one card which most closely represents the vision, the goal, and the long-term desired outcome.

This card is “P-1:” Purpose #1. This is the bulls-eye at which all the other cards in the reading will be aiming. Choose P-1 with as much clarity and personal will as you can muster, and then draw additional cards to augment the role and illuminate the path.

You’ll find a simple 5-card layout for goal-setting in my “Spreads & Layouts” book, or join us the next time this webinar comes around, where we use 12 cards to build a master plan for manifestation!

I have high hopes for the plans and ambitions that were seeded during last night’s class, launched less than 24 hours after a new moon and a powerful eclipse to boot!


Tuesday’s Tiny Tarot Class: The Empress

Since we’ve just celebrated Mother’s Day and because we’re in the astrological sign of Taurus which is ruled by her favorite planet Venus, let’s talk about The Empress.

Let’s say The Empress was about to do some online dating. She can’t help herself — ruled by the planet Venus, all matters of love (and beauty) are at the very top of her priority list. She would choose eHarmony for this project since The Empress is all about collaboration and facilitating harmonious relationships wherever she goes. Her online profile might look something like this:

Graceful, easy-going woman comfortable with herself and her environment seeks compatible partner for long-term relationship and the co-creation of numerous children.  An appreciation for beauty in all its varied forms is a must.

Enjoys gardening, painting, being pregnant, and sharing abundance with family and friends. Prefers the quiet comfort of home over a busy social scene any day.

Favorite color is green (and so is naturally attracted to all trees, especially evergreens), values all kinds of adornment, fine fabrics and jewelry, especially if these involve rose quartz or any-sized emerald. (Save the diamonds for those fancy high-maintenance ladies.) Favorite number is “3.”

Dislikes include conflict, being alone, cold bath water, chaos, plastic, squares, barren landscapes, and far-flung idealism.

A lover of nature and content in any season, enjoys long walks on the beach…hey wait a minute, I AM the beach…and the ocean…and the seashells … and the birds….

Graceful, easy-going woman comfortable with herself and her environment seeks compatible partner willing to bring their own equipment and join her on the beach. 

Empress image from the Rider Waite Tarot (c) US Games Systems Inc.

Tuesday’s Tiny Tarot Class

 I like to think of the 78 cards of the Tarot as the tiny facets of a disco ball, each one a reflection of a piece of life. When the light shines on a certain place on the ball, particular cards are called to our attention. (You didn’t know you were still doing disco, did you?) A simple combination of just a few cards can well describe any life situation.

So: today’s challenge is to think about the last 2 years and INTENTIONALLY draw one or two cards to describe how that experience has been for you. Which two cards tell us about your past 2 years? I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours ….

Visit the TarotWorks Facebook page to share your thoughts. Thanks for playing along!