It’s Fun To Be Foolish

Steve Martin has no problem whatsoever acting like an idiot.Steve Martin

He once said — to Oprah, if I remember correctly– that it does not bother him when someone says, “Who’s that fool with an arrow sticking out of his head?

In fact, Martin went on to say that he presents himself intentionally to prompt laughter and that it’s irrelevant if the laughter results in the fact that others understand what he is doing or is the result of people thinking he’s a jerk.

I love that about him.

Humor has always held a high position in my personal “hierarchy of needs.” I’d give up a lot of things that hold value for me — art, gardening, a nice car, Ben & Jerry’s ­– as long as I still had a sense of humor. Life is hard, and if you lose your sense of humor it becomes even harder.

This past Saturday I had one of the best experiences EVER:  along with the 8 other people in my class, I presented a stand-up comedy bit at a local theatre. Family, friends, and comedy lovers from the community came out on a beautiful spring day to support those of us who’d worked like dogs over the past seven weeks to dig up the funny bone.

….Out of the Box….
Stretch your Boundaries…
……….Try Something Different…..
…Meet New People….
….  Expand Your Horizons….

Saturday’s performance was all the above and more. Supported by our wonderful teacher Tim Ferrell, the experience created a bond among us that will continue to nourish and inspire me. It was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself.

Fun, terrifying, energizing, and did I say fun? Here’s the link to the video, I hope you enjoy it.

On this April Fool’s Day remember that, however it may happen, making someone laugh is just about the best thing you can do for them and for yourself.

Jeanne Fiorini TarotWorks http://www.tarotworks.comJeanne Fiorini is available for your next meeting, fundraiser, retreat, celebration, or gathering. No joke.

Program Note: Sacred Geometry To Be Featured on CLIC Tarot

Our guest this week on CLIC Tarot radio will be Katenia Keller, artist and author of Pythias Sacred Geometry Tarot.

Katenia began to paint her own interpretations of the 22 Major Arcana cards in 2008, using sacred geometry to create the symbolism.

She published the Major Arcana in 2009, and has recently completed 56 paintings representing the Minor Arcana which she will publish later this year.

Tune in this coming Wednesday August 1st at 3pm EST to hear about Katenia’s fascinating journey toward the creation of her unique Tarot deck!

To Listen to the Show:
go to and you’re there!

To Call Into the Show
questions. comments, or on-air readings:
Skype: w4wnradio or telephone 561-422-4365     

Accidental Brilliance

I had a case of accidental brilliance during a Tarot class the other night.

I love it when that happens, when gems of truth and wisdom come flying past your tongue, and only after they’ve left you do you hear them and understand how brilliant they are! It’s not as though you think brilliant thoughts and then express them, it’s more like a pile of Scrabble tiles come tumbling out of your mouth and all you can do is hope for the best.

I’ve written about this phenomenon in a previous article for the American Tarot Association, if you want the full story you can revisit that article (and their fabulous web site) by clicking here. For our purposes here I’d just like to relay the small bit of Scrabble wisdom that popped through the veil last week.

We were talking about The Lovers card, a Major Arcana card and #6 of the Tarot Trumps. As is true with all the Major Arcana cards, you can talk around them all you want but it’s very hard to pinpoint an absolute definition. That’s the nature of the archetypes, they’re more like umbrella concepts than any one factual reality.

After about ten minutes of rambling on about the astrological associations, the numerological significance, the possible meanings and interpretations for this card, I heard myself say, “If money was no object and you didn’t care what people thought of you, what would you be doing?  Whatever it is, THAT is what the Lovers card represents.”

I knew as soon as I heard it that it was perfect. And I said it one more time out loud just to make sure I’d remember the words.

It’s a great help when you’re learning Tarot to have some succinct phrases that you can connect with each card. James Ricklef has a special section of his WordPress Blog called Pithy Tarot Meanings which makes this point very well. Especially for cards with enigmatic — and potentially misleading– titles (The Fool, The Devil, and The Lovers, for example), an understanding of a card’s “umbrella of meaning” can be most helpful.

A few students from that night’s class later expressed how the phrase had hit them squarely, letting me know that it wasn’t just me who thought this to be a stellar set of words for this particular card. In addition to that piece of  satisfaction, there’s the knowing that even after 22 years of working with the Tarot there are new ways to perceive and express concepts through these 78 cards.

There is and always will be, I think, something more to learn about the Tarot.

Lovers card image from the
Animals Divine Tarot by Lisa Hunt /2005

3-27 Tuesday’s Tiny Tarot Class

Tuesday’s Tiny Tarot class has been posted.

Visit the TarotWorks Facebook page for a little stretching exercise for your Tarot brain and a fun little way to brighten your week.

What did YOU notice?

The Tech Gods Were Kind

We had our first class in the new session  of online Tarot classes on Monday night. After lo these many years of teaching Tarot, the content for this class is pretty well etched into my brain. However, the live webinar format was giving me a serious case of opening-night jitters.

Although relatively confident about my computer system, the connection to the webinar hosting site and to the various home computers which were about to tap into the presentation gave me a quantum panic: so many variables, so many connections, so many plugs and wires and electrons, so many ways for things to go awry!

But like most other things, you do what you can do something about and then you put your head down and plow forward. That thought, and a little prayer — gods of the implicate order please be with me — calmed by nerves. Begin webinar now, start webcam and microphone, open screen sharing, like a pre-flight pilot in the cockpit. And off we went!

So, for the time being I’m  lovin’ technology. The tech gods were kind on Monday night and I’ll beseech their protection over the next six weeks. If you’d like to be learning the Tarot in your jammies, we’d love to have you join us.

To learn more about the TarotWorks Online Tarot Classroom, visit