Relationship Layout:Tarot Tip #37

Sorry, this isn’t a tip about how to have a great relationship. But it is a great tip for how to use your Tarot cards to look at relationship dynamics in a clear and objective manner. (Click here to see the video.)

Relationships are confusing enough without putting enigmatic Tarot images into the mix. This easy layout can be used as a complete reading within itself, or can be used as a springboard for other questions about any  relationship in which you might be involved: the one with your partner, the one with your boss, the one with your mother-in-law… you get the picture.

This video points out an important fact about reading Tarot: You don’t need a lot of cards to get a lot of information.

Life is complicated; reading Tarot doesn’t have to be.

Check out my book Tarot Spreads & Layouts: A User’s Manual for Beginning and Intermediate Readers for lots more simple and effective ways to use your Tarot cards!

Happy Anniversary to “Tarot Tips”

Today is the first anniversary of the TarotWorks “Tarot Tips” video series on YouTube! 

In the past year, there have been 37 “Tarot Tips,” 6866 views, and 127 subscribers from all parts of the world. I had no real expectations when this project began — but if I had, they would have been surpassed.

It’s weird how comfortable I’ve become getting all glammed up in order to talk into a camera on a tripod with no other living person within 200 feet. It’s amazing to know that what is created in my dining room in South Portland, Maine can be seen by people in the farthest reaches of the planet.  It’s wonderful to hear comments from subscribers about how they’ve been able to integrate the ideas and methods into their practice and study of the Tarot.

To commemorate this first anniversary, I’m offering a FREE  15-minute phone reading to the FIRST person to answer this question correctly:

I was going to draw a card at random from the deck and open the quiz to whomever guessed which card had been drawn. However, as I was shuffling, there was “a leaper” that jumped from the pile. So the question then becomes, “What was the card that leapt from the deck as I was shuffling for this anniversary quiz?”

The first person to post the correct answer on the TarotWorks Facebook page will win a FREE 15-minute phone session.

Good luck!
And a heartfelt thank you to EVERYONE who subscribes and/or views the Tarot Tips!!

FYI, here’s the link to the latest Tarot Tip.

We Are Stardust

How I love it when things from different realities come together!

It started when a post on Facebook caught my eye.
It was not the words that first drew my attention, but the image of a spiraling solar system. Then the photo’s caption piqued my interest further: The Most Astounding Fact.

Neil deGrasse Tyson was asked what he considered to be the most astounding fact about the universe. Given that this guy is an astrophysicist, his notion of “astounding” is probably pretty broad ….  interest spiked.

His videotaped response fostered a cross-fire of connections in my mind between two very disparate thoughts: the Perennial Philosophy and one of my favorite bands of all time, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young.

First, the Perennial Philosophy: the age-old axiom “As Above, So Below.” We see this idea played out in world religions, the practice of alchemy, the history of mythology, secular Qabalah, and pretty much any other conceptualization of how we got on this planet and what we’re doing here.

Simply put, it’s the idea that the force that rules the heavens is the same force that rules the physical plane; that the spiritual and the physical worlds are not distinct and separate entities but rather are mirrors of one another. Much of our everyday existence totally disregards this basic truth of nature.

And then we have one of the best rock bands ever, CSN and sometimes Y. These guys are cranking it out 40+ years later, yet their music strikes a poignant chord of wistfulness and hope from the 60’s when we still believed things could change. I saw this Neil deGrasse Tyson clip and all I could think of were the words to “Woodstock” … We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year-old carbon….

As above so below. True 43 years ago in Yazgur’s field, true tomorrow, true a million years ago, and true a million years from tomorrow.

When something is true, there’s just no escaping it. Watch the video and judge for yourself.

Tarot as a Tool for ….. Car Repair?

For many years, the tag line for TarotWorks was Tarot as a Tool for Authentic Living. That phrase very well summed up what I intended to manifest through the work of reading and teaching Tarot. (Only recently has the tag line been changed to: Clarity * Insight * Confidence)

Yes, the Tarot is a tool. And like any other tool, the Tarot has many functions and methods for use. In explaining the basic ideology behind the Tarot system during introductory presentations on the topic,  I like to say that Tarot is like a hammer in that it can be used to build a home, break open a walnut, or whack a home intruder over the head.

Same tool, different applications.

In a similar way, we can use the Tarot as a tool for self-reflection, confirmation of intuition, problem solving, relationship advice, or any other requirement that life might demand. This week a YouTube video came to my attention that depicts an unusual — yet effective — use of the archetypes of the Tarot. There are two things I found fascinating about this video:

  1. The on-the-surface-ridiculousness of the concept which works hand-in-hand with the one tool/many functions idea.
  2. The fact that the information this man communicates from these particular cards is very much in line with an interpretation I might have given for those very same cards.

Click here for the link to YouTube, and consider how you may be able to use the symbolic images of the Tarot as a tool in your life.