Tarot as a Tool for ….. Car Repair?

For many years, the tag line for TarotWorks was Tarot as a Tool for Authentic Living. That phrase very well summed up what I intended to manifest through the work of reading and teaching Tarot. (Only recently has the tag line been changed to: Clarity * Insight * Confidence)

Yes, the Tarot is a tool. And like any other tool, the Tarot has many functions and methods for use. In explaining the basic ideology behind the Tarot system during introductory presentations on the topic,  I like to say that Tarot is like a hammer in that it can be used to build a home, break open a walnut, or whack a home intruder over the head.

Same tool, different applications.

In a similar way, we can use the Tarot as a tool for self-reflection, confirmation of intuition, problem solving, relationship advice, or any other requirement that life might demand. This week a YouTube video came to my attention that depicts an unusual — yet effective — use of the archetypes of the Tarot. There are two things I found fascinating about this video:

  1. The on-the-surface-ridiculousness of the concept which works hand-in-hand with the one tool/many functions idea.
  2. The fact that the information this man communicates from these particular cards is very much in line with an interpretation I might have given for those very same cards.

Click here for the link to YouTube, and consider how you may be able to use the symbolic images of the Tarot as a tool in your life.


  1. May 24, 2012 at 2:56 PM

    Interesting I am going to check the youtube link out.. Thanks for the article!

  2. May 24, 2012 at 4:27 PM

    Hi there– Yes, I love this guy, how diligently he cleans his hands before handling his cards, uses Mythic Tarot, has his own clear interepretations of what the cards mean for him….brilliant!

  3. Horace Hallihan said,

    March 12, 2013 at 11:18 AM

    There are three main criteria used in pricing any given auto repair. The first is the labor rate, or what the shop charges for the time and expertise that goes into repairing your vehicle. The second is for the parts themselves, and whatever other shop support materials are used in the process of the repair. The third area to consider are the fixed costs or overhead that the repair shop has to cover, but that doesn’t get reflected on your bill.`

    My current website

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